How to stop overeating on Thanksgiving and the carry over into the weekend

Are you feeling anxious about going overboard and binging on everything just because it's there this Thanksgiving?​​​

Maybe your family travels to multiple houses and you're asked (and slightly expected) to eat at every house. & it’s exhausting! Or you might be nervous that you’re going to be overeating until Sunday and you want to make sure your Thanksgiving eating doesn’t carry into the weekend. If yes, I feel you and you’re not alone! These are common concerns for my clients too. In this week’s blog post, I've got some helpful tips and shifts for you to help you feel calm and in control as you go into this food-focused holiday!​

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5 Simple Healthy Breakfast Swaps

If you're struggling with consistency (and seeing results) it’s probably because you’re trying to make too many changes at once aka a recipe for disaster.

This can often cause you to feel overwhelmed and make you want to give up. To begin making positive lifestyle changes of eating healthy, I encourage you to start with tackling breakfast head on with small daily swaps.

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How to Transition to Eating Healthier in the beginning

I would slave at the gym put in mad work and look at the scale but the numbers didn't move. I tried every diet I could think of but then would give in to my cravings and my initial plan or goals would go out the window because of my out of wack emotions/cravings. I made A LOT of mistakes and it was a constant yo-yo or see-saw in a way and I want to help you not make the same mistakes I made.

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Calories vs Macros: What should you track?

A common trap that many women fall into is they aren't tracking and/or targeting their eating appropriately for their goals.

There are a lot of myths out there suggesting that if you just exercise enough, go to the gym enough, sweat it off in the sauna, or wear a waist trainer that you can eat whatever the hell you want, but I'm here to burst that bubble and tell you #issaLie, sis!  It’s not true.  

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